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Product ReviewsClick here to review this item | ||
Steel shooters companion | 2/3/2018 | |
Great manual that focuses mainly on steel and a very small amount of other non-toxic shot. Also, great to have when you have a mixed collection of once fired hulls and you want to test different steel loads. Pattern for perfection. | ||
Status of Steel | 10/20/2017 | |
If you plan on loading steel shot, this manual is a MUST. Very informative and detailed in every aspect of reloading steel shot. I like this manual and always refer back to it when trying a new steel shot load. | ||
- Bryce, UT | ||
Very good manual, however outdated on too many components | 8/12/2016 | |
Overall, a very good manual. However, many of the loads I wanted to use had one or more components that have been discontinued in 12-guage 2.75 hulls. I do look forward to the 18th edition & hope it is updated for powder & wads that are still available. BPI is my main reloading site & otherwise they do a wonderful job. Thank you. ...Pete | ||
- Pete Moureaux, CA | ||
Thanks for your comments, Pete. We let some of the discontinued components remain in some of our publications because we receive so much feedback from shooters around the world that might have this or that component remaining in their reloading inventory. We are, however, always in the process of creating new loads and we always listen to our customer base for ideas. | ||
--BP Lab | ||
Exactly what the Dr. ordered!! | 11/4/2014 | |
I was anticipating the arrival of the Status of Steel 15th edition and couldnt wait to read it and check out the load data. What I found inside answered all my questions and far exceeded all of my expectations. Thank you so much for the great loads and information on understanding steel shot reloading! | ||
- Matthew Wyatt, OK | ||
You Must Read This Manual | 8/31/2014 | |
This manual is packed full of useful information on the proper way to load steel shotshells. Even if you think you know everything about loading steel you should read this. Its well worth your while. A valuable investment. | ||
- Ed Boyd-Kuppenbender, OR | ||
Status of Steel | 11/20/2012 | |
OK novice to know it all before you load steel into a shell this is mandatory reading. I am a novice loader and had a veteran reloading buddy help me get started; I wish I would have just read this book before getting started, because we made a lot of the errors that this book warns you about. It isnt about saving money it is about effective hunting shells, even though the cost of making your own personnel ammo is greatly reduced the real savings is dead birds and fewer lost birds and clean up shots. I used to be the guy chasing cripples on the water burning a box of shells up on them now we are breaking cover to pick up dead birds. | ||
- Joe Glazer, MN | ||
High Seed Killing Loads | 10/13/2012 | |
I have the older edition of reloading steel, and for any reloader geting into reloading steel the key is speed, not high OZ payloads. I have been reloading steel for over 6 years and love my 3, 7/8oz, 1700+fps # 3s, get mica dust to help lube barrel less friction less weight = speed. I can hunt any duck on the coast, lakes, and rivers. I even took them to CO last year and was shooting Canadian Geese over decoys. When you hit a bird there is no 2nd guess it folds them. The guide asked where he can buy the loads, you cant, ended up giving him a box anyway. I would highly recommend getting several of the steel manuals, and find something that suites your need for killing more birds. Until you try a light fast steel load you dont know what you are missing, and guarantee you will throw away all the 1 1/8 oz, hulls away. | ||
TX | ||