BPI is proud to announce our latest advancement: TPS Slip Process Technology reduces resistance and enhances production flow. We are now manufacturing all our premium wads with TPS Slip Process. Unsurpassed operating range in extreme temperatures and military-spec toughness.

These advancements allow us to replace some of your old favorite wads, such as the Multi-Metal series, Tuff series, and Ranger-Plus with the latest in material technology. We are updating load data to accommodate this material change and you will be seeing many new loads very soon in manuals and Load of the Week. Certified for major manufacturers down to -25 F.

Discontinued Wad Conversion Wad
Part # GA Name   Part # GA Name Shot Type
#3221035 10 Multi-Metal 10ga 3.5 Converting to: #3227704 10 TPS 10ga 3.5 All Types
#3221275 12 Multi-Metal 12ga 2.75 Converting to: #3227701 12 TPS 12ga 2.75 All Types
#3221230 12 Multi-Metal 12ga 3 Converting to: #3227702 12 TPS 12ga 3 All Types
#3221235 12 Multi-Metal 12ga 3.5 Converting to: #3227703 12 TPS 12ga 3.5 All Types

Multi-Metal 12ga 2-3/4 preslit wad (100/bag)
Multi-Metal 12ga 2-3/4 preslit wad (100/bag)

Item #: 3221275
In Stock