Universal Primer Pocket Conditioner 10ga - .410

Universal Primer Pocket Conditioner 10ga - .410
Item Number: 0740010
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Detailed Description

Universal Primer Pocket Conditioner
(10 Gauge - .410 Bore)


Even brand-new shotshells sometimes require that the primer pocket be sized down to a standard 209 size. This tool makes that process easy and saves you money on hulls.

Problem: After a few firings the primer pocket can expand and the primers may not seat tightly. This becomes noticeable when the primer starts to back out as the wad is compressed or the shell is crimped. The primer may even just fall out.

Solution: Instead of throwing away otherwise perfectly good hulls or risking a loose primer, you can resize the hull's primer pocket. Set the unprimed hull onto the circular anvil (as pictured above) and give it a couple taps with a hammer (see "Additional Images"). This will resize the pocket back to standard 209 size and will now properly hold the primer in place.

This tool will pay for itself in a very short time. Excellent for resizing Fiocchi, Cheddite, and Rio hulls.

Click here to see an instruction sheet for how to use the Pocket Conditioner

 Product Reviews
A must have tool!
If you reload Euro hulls and use American made primers, this tool is for you. One wack and the job is done. Heavy duty and very well made. American made too.
- Scott Turner, SC
Good tool!
This sucker really works. I bought a bunch of once fired Rio shotshells for a little of nothing, but U.S. 209 primer were too small. One good rap with a hammer and they fit. Well worth the money.
- Curt, LA


 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
works fine business... 6/3/2021
Arrived already, so I put it to work. I inherited a few hundred Rem *57 primers recenty. Theyre very small diameter, fall out of modern cases, esp euro. This tool will resize the pocket so the 57s fit nice. No more straw pieces to fool with. Will work to reform euro ie rio, ferocci cases to Rem*57s size, but dont recommend. Really have to wail on it to get the pockets down to size. Modern win and rem cases works perfect.
- David Smith, OH
Works Amazingly Well!!!! 3/8/2018
I had came into a large bunch of B&P .410 hulls and as most of you know they take a metric primer. Here where I live, you cant get them or you pay OUTLANDISH HAZMAT FEES! I AINT paying them so I found this tool! I was skeptical at first but after reading the reviews I ordered one! I just got done with my first 100 hulls, all but 1 resized correctly! I am sure it was something to do with the hull, not the tool! It is such a simple idea........ Why isnt there one that is bench mounted? That would be way easier than the hammer method!!
- Iron Horse Cowboy, VA
Fantastic 2/3/2018
I bought one of these years ago, it has rejuvenated thousands of hulls. I think it has been used on just about every hull past and present. I may have to eventually buy another as I have mushroomed the head from so much use. Worth every penny.
- Lou, NY
Works Perfect!! 2/11/2016
Works like a charm, note that after conditioning the primer pocket, the lower base body of brass mushrooms out thus you must re-size the brass. A++
- Eder Gonzalez, CA
Great tool ! 1/28/2016
Bought this to salvage some 410 shells, worked great then tried it on some drilled out Russian steel 410 cases and worked great there also, for laughs I tried it on an old Remington 57 primed case and it worked on that case also. Great results !
This product simply works! 11/9/2015
I was leery after hearing some off site comments about this product but decided to pull the trigger and get one anyway. Wow! This product simply works! It has more than paid for itself many times over. I can resize euro hulls to U.S. primer size with just 2 taps of the hammer. I highly recommend this to any reloader.
- Joe Bahamonde, AZ
Works like a charm!!! 6/28/2015
I was very skeptical to start with by just reading the reviews, but I have a bunch of RIO hulls and standard 209 primers,I thought I would give it a try. You have to hit it hard on a flat metal surface, my vise has one, but trust me this thing works. Very easy to use and well worth it to recondition the primer pocket.
- Tommy Brewer, SC
Excellent tool for resizing primer pockets 6/15/2015
I am so glad i invested in this primer pocket resizing tool. It has saved me a lot of money from buying the italian and spanish primers. I use the american primers with the same results. I put the primer tool in the hull wack it with a hammer two times and it is ready for repriming. I buy BPIs assorted 12 gauge once fired hulls and use the pocket primer to make the pocket smaller. I have resized hundred of hulls so far. Awesome tool.
- John, MD
re-conitioning 12 ga. hulls 3/27/2015
Couldnt ask for a better tool. It does work like a charm. Re-conditioned 700 shells and only 27 couldnt be done. Alot of $ saved! Oz
- Ken, RI
Works Great!! Just as advertised. 5/21/2014
One good rap with a hammer and your Rio or other oversize primer pocket hull now takes a standard 209 or 209A primer. A quick note on how to use this tool: When I first tried it didnt work for me. Turns out I needed to hit it harder and on a solid surface. You need a hard surface like an large piece of steel or concrete, NOT your wooden reloading bench.
- Mark Mt., CA

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